ready for halloween!

We had a super-busy day. First Mommy attempted to iron on the Wiggles logo for Corbin's Halloween costume, only to discover that the colors weren't bright enough. Then we took a bath right after breakfast and washed Corbin's hair. When it had air dryed a little, he sat on a stool in the middle of the living room and let Mommy cut it while he watched a video. For the most part, he was very tolerant, though I would have liked more time to work. The only part I cut was the back and straightened out the sides. So it's still all fluffy above his ears, to his Daddy's dismay. But I think that if we cut the sides shorter, they'd still flip up anyway. After that we had to vacuum the floor, which got Corbin all worked up. He really, really wants to use the vacuum cleaner by himself, but it's just too heavy. So he gets frustrated and cries a lot, nor does he want Mommy to put it away. Finally we got out of the house and went to four different stores looking for a replacement plain red long-sleeve shirt, plus Office Depot for different iron-on sheets. After lunch and a nap, we spent an hour and a half at the park. He played in the sandbox only after much coaxing, and didn't stay very long. But he did sit in his stroller for ten minutes while Mommy walked all the way around the lake. Corbin was very interested in the ducks, and kept quacking back at them. It was very cute. Then we tried three stores in the mall looking for red shirts again, and finally found one at the last store we tried. Figures! Then we came home and decided to try putting the new iron-on over the failed one, which seems to have turned out fine. It'll last through one night, at least. So now I get to take the red shirt back. :-/

Corbin was very good-natured about all the running around we did, but he was fairly clingy and defiant at times. Mostly just ignoring Mommy's instructions to come here or don't touch that or whatever. Maybe he didn't weather Daylight Savings Time as well as we thought.