first card game
Last week I bought a set of colors-and-shapes cards for Corbin to play with. I pulled out only the red and yellow ones, which have six shapes each. So we've been playing "Memory" with these 12 cards. Corbin is really quite taken with it, asking to play over and over. But he totally doesn't grasp that there are rules. :-) Although he lets Mommy and Daddy take their turns, can say whether two cards are the same or different, and remembers where the matching shape is more than half the time... he just doesn't understand why he can only turn over two cards. And when he's remembered approximately where a card is, he proceeds to turn over many cards until he finds the one he wanted. It's rather cute, if annoying that he doesn't always listen to instructions. Oh, well. I'm sure it's good for him anyway.
Today we spent probably 20 minutes pretending to put his Care Bears down for a nap. That's the first time I've seen him show any serious interest in this kind of social play. Of course, he had to get in on the action, too. Which was cute to see him lay down in his crib and close his eyes, but really kind of missed the point of "taking care" of the dolls. I tried to pretend to change the Care Bear's diaper, hoping that Corbin would learn to relax a little about his own diaper changes, but he didn't seem to understand that my mime motions were representative of changing a diaper.
He's had trouble falling asleep today. Probably because his Daddy let him sleep in. But what's cute is to listen to him talk to himself in his crib. He sings a lot, usually the ABCs, but today it was also the Wheels on the Bus. And counting, of course. But recently he's started calling out for "Mommy" and "Daddy" by name, which is harder to resist!
Oh, and someone has taught him to peepee into his bathwater before he gets out. Which I suppose is better than on the sheets before bed, but surely if he can intentionally go in his bathtub, he can choose to use the potty instead? Seems to me that it's defeating half the purpose of taking bath at all!
Today we spent probably 20 minutes pretending to put his Care Bears down for a nap. That's the first time I've seen him show any serious interest in this kind of social play. Of course, he had to get in on the action, too. Which was cute to see him lay down in his crib and close his eyes, but really kind of missed the point of "taking care" of the dolls. I tried to pretend to change the Care Bear's diaper, hoping that Corbin would learn to relax a little about his own diaper changes, but he didn't seem to understand that my mime motions were representative of changing a diaper.
He's had trouble falling asleep today. Probably because his Daddy let him sleep in. But what's cute is to listen to him talk to himself in his crib. He sings a lot, usually the ABCs, but today it was also the Wheels on the Bus. And counting, of course. But recently he's started calling out for "Mommy" and "Daddy" by name, which is harder to resist!
Oh, and someone has taught him to peepee into his bathwater before he gets out. Which I suppose is better than on the sheets before bed, but surely if he can intentionally go in his bathtub, he can choose to use the potty instead? Seems to me that it's defeating half the purpose of taking bath at all!