Corbin's Development


finally gets in the carseat himself!

I couldn't possibly count the number of times I've hit my head (or Corbin's!) while getting him into and out of his carseat. Those days are over at last! Now he can climb into the seat himself, and get out with only a hand to hold on to. It's great! I still have to buckle him, but that's okay.

Today we went to the mall so I could use our "Gymbucks" before they expired. When we renewed our Gymboree membership, they gave us a $25 coupon to their clothing store. I found a pair of warm pajamas, then let Corbin pick between two shirts. To my surprise, he didn't want the red one with a large fire truck on the front. Instead, he chose the plaid one. Odd. We also got a shirt at Children's Place and a nice vest that I paid full price for (normally I just wait for a sale, but I didn't want to gamble with his size being gone). Corbin was actually really good to shop with. He never ran out of a store, and generally did as he was told. :-)

Yesterday we had a picnic at the park. I was really impressed with myself for managing that, but Corbin didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Oh well, he still had fun on the playground.

He's been asking to be carried a lot in the past couple of days. I'm not sure if that's because he's been fighting the same cold as Greg and I, or if he's genuinely tired of walking, or just needing some affection. We don't mind, but he sure is getting heavy! I tried to convince him to ride piggyback, but he didn't try it for more than a minute.

Sunday we went to lunch with people from church, and the restaurant was so slow! It was probably 1:00 before we got our food, 2:30 before we left, and 3:00 before we got home and took a nap. Surprisingly, Corbin was the best-adjusted kid in attendance. He was rather lethargic during his normal naptime, but he still slept a full two hours after we got home. That night we had our first small group meeting, where he stayed up playing until 8:00, and wasn't in bed until 8:45. Again, he did very well with the change. We weren't happy about changing his routine, but Sundays have always been different anyway. Hopefully he can sleep in on Mondays if he needs to.

This morning it was raining, which still fascinates Corbin. He can sit at the backdoor and watch the rain for a long time. Unfortunately, that also means no playground time at school. But he did say goodbye to me this morning without crying, woohoo!