A Typical Evening Without Mommy, by Daddy
Corbin and Daddy are getting to spend a lot of time together the past few months because Angelique's seminary schedule and church responsibilities take so much of her time, and being a 4th year medical student is about the best job ever. We've settled into a routine for Wednesday and Thursdays when Mommy is late coming home.
Corbin's newest trick is climbing in and out of his car seat all by himself. He still needs help getting his seatbelt on and off, but he just keeps getting more and more independent. His teachers at school and church always tell me that Corbin is so smart, that he knows the words to songs and sings along, and he rarely has a bad day. Of course, that makes me so proud of him.
Today after school we went to Kroger to pick up milk and bananas. Corbin loves to ride in the race car shopping carts, but they were all taken when we got there. It's amazing to me how long a simple steering wheel will keep him occupied. After a brief protest, we were on our way in a regular cart. Corbin likes to pick out all kinds of fruits and veggies. I wish his mommy had such a healthy interest in produce. He also wants to help when we go through the self checkout line, but he's just not quite capable of scanning that gallon of milk no matter how hard he tries.
We went for a walk around the block after dinner. Corbin pointed out all the sprinklers that were running. We learned that some sprinklers make water go 'round and 'round, while others go back and forth. Then we had to go to Ms. Barbara's house next door to see if Sadie could come outside, but they weren't home. Ms. Barbara does have some pretty flowers though. We took this picture a couple of weeks ago.
Bedtime routine has shortened a little. Once he gets into bed he wants to go straight to sleep (usually), so all the books are read on the couch and we only pray and hug once he's in the crib. Lately we've been reading "Go Dog, Go", which Angelique thinks was the first book she read on her own. He has been protesting his toothbrush more and more lately, and I'm at a loss for what else to try. I mean, is it really possible for an almost two year old to be still? Oh well, we'll keep doing our best.
Corbin's newest trick is climbing in and out of his car seat all by himself. He still needs help getting his seatbelt on and off, but he just keeps getting more and more independent. His teachers at school and church always tell me that Corbin is so smart, that he knows the words to songs and sings along, and he rarely has a bad day. Of course, that makes me so proud of him.
Today after school we went to Kroger to pick up milk and bananas. Corbin loves to ride in the race car shopping carts, but they were all taken when we got there. It's amazing to me how long a simple steering wheel will keep him occupied. After a brief protest, we were on our way in a regular cart. Corbin likes to pick out all kinds of fruits and veggies. I wish his mommy had such a healthy interest in produce. He also wants to help when we go through the self checkout line, but he's just not quite capable of scanning that gallon of milk no matter how hard he tries.

Bedtime routine has shortened a little. Once he gets into bed he wants to go straight to sleep (usually), so all the books are read on the couch and we only pray and hug once he's in the crib. Lately we've been reading "Go Dog, Go", which Angelique thinks was the first book she read on her own. He has been protesting his toothbrush more and more lately, and I'm at a loss for what else to try. I mean, is it really possible for an almost two year old to be still? Oh well, we'll keep doing our best.