Grandma wanted to stay and play a few more days, so Grandpa said he would come back anytime, and Mommy and Daddy said that they would carpool so that she and Corbin could go places. Yea!!

Monday morning we went to our favorite place, the park. Corbin played
outside the sandbox until a couple of four year olds came over. They climbed
inside and took their shoes off. Corbin asked Grandma to do the same for him. Progress! He had them off approximately 3 minutes and was then "all done." A good start. The swings were full so we had to wait our turn.

Corbin wanted to drive the boat or was it a train? Oh good, whatever it was, it was in the shade and Grandma could sit down. He was content to climb around on it for about 15 minutes, so I just sat back and enjoyed watching him. Corbin would

always stop his play, long enough to watch, when a plane flew over. Living on an Air Force Base, his daddy would always do the same when he was a toddler.
Airplane was one of Greg's first words. Next the swings and then a snack. Corbin climbed a few more minutes and decided it was time to leave. He walked through the exit and I thought he was just wandering around. When I asked him if he wanted to go "bye-bye", he headed for the car. Wow! I guess he was worn out. We made a brief stop at Kroger for fresh fruit, milk, juice, rice pilaf and a roasted chicken, then home for lunch.
After a two hour nap, it was time to go back outside. Just as we walked out the door it started raining, so back inside for 45 minutes of
When the rain stopped we went outside to do some weeding and work some good soil into the clay soil. Corbin had his shovel and pail, all ready to help Grandma. I guess the shovel reminded him of a spoon because he put a bite into his mouth. He stuck out his tongue to show me, then with his little muddy hands, proceeded to wipe his tongue off. I wiped it off with his

shirt then headed to the water faucet for a good rinsing. He wasn't the least bit upset by the episode and seemed excited to "discover" the faucet. That night, after Corbin's bath, there was a dirty ring around the tub.

At bedtime, Daddy read to Corbin from his favorite book. Corbin's baby book, complete with all the people who love him most.
The next morning, Tuesday, we went to Barnes and Noble to play with the choo-choo train and read. What fun! He climbed on my lap and we read some of the same books that belonged to Daddy when he was a little boy. Corbin was familiar with them from Grandma's house. We stayed there for about an hour, then on to do some "Grandma shopping." One shop owner of a store that we visit often, commented on how much Corbin had grown. We were last there in June. She has spools of chain for him to unwind and rewind while Grandma browses. Nearing lunch/nap time, we started home. While Grandma unloaded the car, Corbin headed to the newly discovered water faucet. I don't know why his daddy hadn't shown it to him before. ;-)

Wednesday morning we got up and fixed scrambled eggs
again and also had banana and milk. This child
loves scrambled eggs. Then we went outside to trim a shrub. Time and the heat didn't allow for us to do more. Ruth, the widow across the street, came over for a visit. She told me how much she has enjoyed watching Corbin and his Daddy walk up and down the sidewalk. She said, "I can tell how proud he is of him." She told me a little about her 4 children and her

grandchildren as we watched Corbin play in the dirt. He seemed to have brightened her day. It was now time to go inside for juice and a snack. Corbin then ran the Roomba and chased the kitty cat around for awhile. Poor Chocolate.
When Corbin awoke from his nap, Grandpa was

there, ready to play. We changed clothes and left for
The Dallas World Aquarium. Arriving at 3:00, we went through at Corbin's pace. Sometimes really fast, over looking many things, and sometimes really

slow. Everyone had a favorite exhibit. Grandpa liked the sharks,

Grandma liked the penquins and Corbin liked the big kitty cat (black Jaguar). He stood and watched it for the longest. People around us enjoyed watching the cute little baby in the scrubs. Actually, he was my favorite too. Twenty-one months old today.
A little after 5:00, we walked to a nearby restaurant and met Daddy and Mommy for dinner. As the visit came to an end, Grandma, Grandpa and Corbin walked to where their car was parked and Daddy met them to retrieve the car seat and of course,

Corbin. In the near empty parking lot, Corbin befriended many birds (pigeons). Daddy helped him to share his stars, and the birds walked in closer and closer. Oh, how exciting! They were so close, he could almost touch them. It didn't take long for a dozen pigeons to eat all the food Corbin had to offer.

Saying our final good-byes, Corbin was strapped in, hugs and kisses shared, and we went our separate ways. Until next time, may God Bless our family in Coppell.