Corbin Loves the Great Outdoors

Corbin woke this morning happy and full of energy. I told him we would go outside as soon as he finished his breakfast. He was so eager, we just decided to finish the milk in his swing. After about an hour, we went inside where Corbin walked on the treadmill with Grandpa. We stayed in the house as long as we could, then went outside to watch Grandpa mow the lawn. Sitting

For lunch we went to Chick-Fil-A and had 3 nuggets, milk and 1/2 cup of strawberries. Grandma smuggled in the

As soon as we got home, Corbin was ready for a nap. Grandma finished 1 hour of "must do" chores then went to Corbin's room and napped on the daybed. After sleeping for 1 1/4 hours, he woke up and looked around. I told him to lay his head down and go to sleep, and he did. For the next hour, he slept, talked, played quitely and watched me, but never cried or asked to get out. He was so sweet to watch and listen to.
After a little floor time and dinner, it was time for the sprinkler.

After his bath we were reading a book and drinking milk. At 7:50 I asked him if he was ready for bed. He said "no." I asked, "What do you want to do?" He folded his tiny little hands and said "pay". I took him to his bedroom and said a prayer for his Mommy and Daddy, his Nana and Papa, and his Grandma and Grandpa. He grabbed me around the neck and said "Amen!". What a blessing this child is.
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