Really Talking Now

Today was a pretty good day. There were no major tantrums or meltdowns, hooray. Daddy even let Mommy sleep until 9:00! Corbin and I went to a make-up Gymboree class at 10:45, which went great. The Saturday teacher is fantastic, which is good because we'll probably switch to Saturdays after school starts next month. Daddy went to work after Corbin went down for his nap. Corbin played inside for most of the afternoon. Then we went to the carwash, Target, dinner, and finally the playground. Corbin actually played in the sandbox! He sat on the edge and had his toes in the sand, even if he still refused to stand up in it. We had a bucket and shovel with us, and he had fun playing with those, although what he liked best was to hold the full shovel up in the air and watch the sand fall out...all over him. Oh, well. He had a good time, and didn't get too terribly messy.
But what struck me today was the way he talked a lot to himself in what sounds like whole phrases, with words I recognize stuck in. He was also singing a couple of songs that we did at Gymboree that I could jump in and sing with him. I was really impressed with that, since he hasn't done any singing on his own before. It was so cute. He's really starting to sound like he can carry on a conversation, answering yes and no to questions he does and doesn't understand. That's pretty neat.
We went to Target to look for new water shoes, since he's outgrown the ones he was wearing. I paid twice as much ($12) for these new ones, but there's just no selection left this far into summer. We also bought him a Thomas train engine that makes choo-choo noices when you push it. I'm not sure why he's so into trains, or how he even recognizes a stand-alone engine as part of a train, but oh well. He tried to make a train yesterday by putting four of his cars in a line and pushing the last one. Which was just wonderful until they got out of alignment; then he really got upset. We may just have to make more trips to Barnes and Noble, which has a train set up in their children's area. That's great of them, but it would be more useful if it was next to the adult books! :-)
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