Corbin's Development


He knows the whole alphabet!

This morning not long after waking up, Corbin wanted to look out the front door window. He said "ah-bah?" several times, but I couldn't figure out what he was pointing to. Then he said "anna?" and I knew he was missing his grandparents and pointing to where their car had been. It was pretty cute how sad he looked. :-)

We read a book that my mother had bought him a couple months ago (that I had hidden away for later) with Elmo and lots of flaps to open. It came with a 15-minute DVD (what a great length!) of Sesame Street clips about the alphabet. On one of the final segments, it was going through the letters kind of slowly, and Corbin kept saying the next letter that was coming up. I had no idea he knew all of them!! Several were sounds he couldn't pronounce, so it wasn't until he was listing them in order that I could recognize that he knew them at all. The kid's speech has got to catch up to his brain soon, or I'm going to be constantly behind.

He spent a great amount of the day pushing the vacuum cleaner around. It's just half the length of the pole with the hardfloor attachment, so it's light and easy. But for whatever reason he finds it fascinating. I was thrilled for him to play so much on his own. He also learned today how to ride piggyback on Mommy and Daddy, but he didn't always remember to hold on with his hands, so we'll probably avoid doing that again for a while longer.

He's over the fever, although he still hasn't eaten much at all. Fortunately he's had plenty of milk to drink. I hope he's completely back to his normal energetic self tomorrow.


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